Small Driving Comments

Driving and Looking Good

Why do drivers look at themselves in the rear view mirror while driving? First there are those that take a quick peek. Who doesn't I suppose. But then there are those who park their whole body towards the middle of the front seat, so they can get a real good look at themselves while driving. You can see them looking at the road, then the mirror, then the road, etc. I don't follow too close to these drivers. Maybe that is their reasoning.

In a Hurry in the School Zone

Someone got close behind me today in a school zone. I could see her fidgeting in her drivers seat, wondering what was slowing me down. Then she backed down. I think she realized we were in a school zone. Sorry tailgaters, I will not speed up in a school zone. Go ahead and get mad.

I'm Crossing the Street Here

I know you have the right to cross the street at the crosswalk. I consider myself very good at stopping at crosswalks. However, I think it's odd that some people will start walking through a crosswalk without looking right or left beforehand. And then, some pedestrians intentionally take their time walking very slowly through the crosswalk. I guess they are having a bad day and want me to have a bad day also.